Thursday, June 4, 2009

This is how the plants and animals of Douglas Creek watershed work together. In Site2 we studied the Macro invertebrates,Water quality, insects, Vegetation, animals, and steam banks.

First, we will tell you about the water quality at our site. Our left bank looking downstream is 50-100' and the right bank looking downstream is 0-50'. Our shape in cross-section has a nice flat bottom with steep sides. Our Gradient is moderate, the vegetation cover was abundant. and artificial bank protection was 0-25%. Bank stability was bank intact. There were 20 riffles and 3 pools, the woody debris was sparse and the organic debris was sparse also. The only artificial structures were litter and garbage.

Second, we will discuss the plants at our site. We think the plants at our site are doing well except for the people who go camping at Douglas Creek. They keep walking on all the grass and they left beer cans full of cigarettes and broken chairs. They even left a floaty.

Next, we will talk about the animals and animal evidence we found. We found 3 beaver sticks, 2 bull snakes, and heard 1 rattlesnake. One of the bull snakes was eating a fish and the fish was a trout! You can see the picture elsewhere on our blog. We think that our site is good for plants and animals because there is lots of animal evidence.

Finally, how is our site doing? We think our site is doing well because of all the animal evidence that we found and there is lots of vegetation.

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