Monday, June 12, 2017

Site 2 2017 Work

Site Survey 2017


The Riparian Zone is looking like the left bank is heading downstream,0-50 ft.It also looks like the right bank is also heading downstream,0-50 ft.

The vegetation for conifer is 0% cover. And the vegetation for deciduous is moderate which means kind of a lot but  no as much as sparse.For the shrubs it is sparse which means hardly any at all. For grasse’s and herbs it is abuntant which means a lot.

For overhead canopy it is 0-25% that means there is hardly anything that will cover you like trees and anything else that can cover you.

Channel,For the shape in cross section is a flat bottom. There is also 2 other shape in cross sections 1 other one is a U shape and the other shape is a V shape.
The longitudinal pattern is either straight,meandering,or braided and it is straight pattern.
For the gradient it  can be low,moderate,or steep and it is low. Now for alterations, sadly there are no alterations.

Now it’s time for the stream banks: Vegetation cover is abundant.
Now it’s time for more,here’s the artificial bank protection which is: 0-25.
For the bank stability,

Bank intact. No bank intact

Erosion in some area’s. There is  a  little bit of erosion but not a lot.

Banks collapse in some areas. No collapsing in any areas.